Find a person's phone number.

7:03 AM 4/4/2024

Find a person's phone number easily by using internet services. People used to search for their co-students, old friends, co-workers and for their own village or town people. Normally in the USA, Canada, Australia, EU and in the other developed countries, free and paid search facilities are available to find a person's contact details. Your first step is to use the Sri Lanka Telecom's Directory service to locate the desired person's contact details.

Finding a Sri Lanka person's mobile phone number is not a big task. Nearly all of them have mobile phones with them. The important thing is to find any of his close friends to catch his mobile phone number. Because there is NO mobile phone owner’s directory is available in Sri Lanka. Find it through his Facebook, Twitter and through Linkedin pages. So check with your friends for his mobile number. Then follow this page advice.

You can find a person's phone details if she/he had owned a Telecom land line under her/his name. Mobile phone user’s directory is NOT available in Srilanka. Also there is no paid service to find a person's contact details. When you get a landline your name will be published by the SLT in their Phone Directory. It is available in their print version Directory and through their web based directory service. If you know the person's full name, you can find his phone number and address in the Residence Phone Directory. Reverse phone number checking facility is not available in Sri Lanka.

Finding a Sri Lanka person's mobile phone number and its details.
In Sri Lanka, mobile phone directory is NOT available. In addition it is against the law to publish someone's personal details in the public domain. If the user had published their mobile phone numbers in advertisements or in their member profile, you can find them.

How to find a person in Sri Lanka?

If you know her/his full name, do a search in Google, Bing, Baidu, Yahoo and Yandex search websites.
Moreover, search through Facebook, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat and Telegram Apps.
Do you have that person's photo? Then does a Google image search with the person’s photo.
Also do a search in the Facebook and LinkedIn. In these websites you have the chance to find that person, if he is a member in them.
If you went to a school with him, then go to the school's OBA website or Facebook page and do a search there too. Also you can post a request in these pages to assist you to find that person.
In addition search in English, Tamil and in Sinhala languages to narrow your search for that person.
If the person had registered his mobile phone number in Facebook, Google+ or in any other social media, you can find it from there.
It is illegal for a phone company to provide a person's personal mobile phone number to others in Sri Lanka. So don't try to contact mobile phone carriers regarding the search.
A common man is not allowed to hide his mobile phone number when he is making phone calls to another person. Hiding Caller ID is an offense according to the Sri Lanka Law.
In USA, Canada and Europe there are companies offer Reverse search facility for a Fee to find a person. website and its APP will allow a person to find more information, if he becomes as a member in it.
(If you are concerned about your Privacy, better don't join).

Find a Sri Lanka Person by placing Advertisement in the local Newspaper.

Post advertisement with the person's details in popular Sunday Newspapers in Sri Lanka
Small fee will be charged by the Newspaper company for to place this advertisement.
If you want to place this advertisement in a particular page they will charge little more money for it.
When the person sees the advertisement he will contact you as soon as possible. Or anybody who knows that person may give you idea about how to contact him.
Repeted advvertisement will give you more results and reduced advt posting rate.

Find a person in Sri Lanka

SLT Business Directory

Personal Names.

LankaBell Directory.

Find Sri Lanka Telecom Hotline?

Video on people Search Sites.

Find a Person with his Name or Photo.

Find a person's phone number South Africa. | Australia | Europe.

A Note to you

Public holidays, Sundays and Poya days are the best time to make low priced calls to any part of the world from Sri Lanka through out the day and night.

International country code of Sri Lanka is +94 or 0094.